Domain Registrierung schlug fehl


Aktives Mitglied
Ich habe versucht eine .lv Domain unter zu reggen, kam leider folgende Email nach 2 Tagen:

QUOTE Full and short Names of organisations and companies
registered in the Enterprise Registry of the Republic
of Latvia, and Trade Marks registered in the Patent
Office of the Republic of Latvia (this regulation
applies only to fully registered Trade Marks) may be
registered as domain names only by their legal

was hat das zu bedeuten? Kennt sich da einer mit aus? Domainname war etwas nach dem stil: (also zwei-stellig) auf der Hauptseite hab ich aber nichts gelesen das zwei-stellig nicht erlaubt sind oder für irgendeine Gruppe reserviert ist.

QUOTE (Richardo @ Mi 7.2.2007, 17:38) 2-stellige Domains sind erlaubt.

Nur dürfen Sie halt kein Kürzel darstellen z.B. UN für United Nations.

Step 1. Choice of domain name

In form:

(a) the domain name shall be expressed in Latin characters (case insensitive), numbers and dash (“-“). The dash cannot be used at the beginning and end of the name;
(b) the domain name length shall be a minimum of 2 and maximum of 64 characters.

In content:

The domain name cannot be:

(a) the registered trade mark of another institution, the name of another institution or its standard abbreviation. The registry reserves the right to postpone the registration of such a domain name or to demand contributing evidence of the applicant’s ri ght to the domain name.
(b) the name of a geographical locality or object. The names of towns, villages or parishes can be used only by their self-government bodies.
© a person’s name;
(d) a well-known name whose use can offend the interests of third parties;
(e) an indecent or insulting word or phrase.

The choice of domain name is further explained in Domain name dispute resolution policy.
